Новогодний календарь

Я очень, ну очень люблю Новый год, намного больше дня рождения. Это не только ночь, когда положено не спать, а есть, но и два месяца навязывания нам магазинами новогоднего настроения. Как человек, который уже с первого декабря ноет о том, где бы взять елку, я решила в этом году растянуть праздник на месяц. Американцы, которые…

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Follow the Music

Finally I can share the illustrations for my latest the book. It’s been quite a challenge, as I was drawing it alongside with my pregnancy and dayjob, but the publisher was incredibly patient! They gave me all the freedom except the list of the musical instruments, that had to be listed plus some limitations due…

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Back to sketching

After a month and a half of being a mother, I managed to spare an hour to be a mother-artist. Unfortunately, my acquarels were hidden somewhere in the course of baby-welcome house-cleaning along with my other toys (charcoal, pastels etc), and all I could find are those pencils. Beautiful weather and walking with a baby…

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A tiny piece of an image for a book, which is not published for a year already. No chance to boast with any more images. The publisher is the same one I’ve did three books already  – “Azbookvarik”, the book is “Lily and Goldfish”

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Another sneak-peak

Unfortunately, there’s not much I can show at the time, as some things are still secret and not published.  Here is a tiny sneak-peak of a book I am currently struggling with – it’s all about music and animals. It’s VERY informative and detailed =)). All together there will be about 50 different animals and…

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